15 Most Powerful and Richest Families in Europe 2023

The Rothschild Family: A Dynasty of Financial Powerhouse

The House of Windsor: Royalty and Global Influence

The Agnelli Family: Pioneers of Italian Industry

The Ortega Family: Fashion Retail Giant

The Hermès Family: A Legacy in Luxury Good

The Wallenberg Family: Guardians of Swedish Busine

The Ferrero Family: Sweet Success through Chocolate

The Bettencourt Family: Beauty and Cosmetic Titan

The Quandt Family: BMW and Industrial Dominance

The Arnault Family: Luxury and Fashion Conglomerate

The Gucci Family: Fashion and Creative Heritage

The Kamprad Family: IKEA’s Visionary Founder

The Agarwal Family: Mining Magnates and Philanthropist

The Mohn Family: Bertelsmann Media Empire

The Sainsbury Family: Retailing and Philanthropy