8 Longest Living Humans In Our Century

longest living humans

Discover the 8 longest living humans in our century and learn about their lifestyles, habits, and secrets to longevity.


Longevity has always been interesting to people because it gives them clues about how to live a long and healthy life. This article looks at the lives of the eight people who have lived the longest in our century, focusing on their important events, personal habits, and lasting contributions. Understanding their stories can teach us important lessons about how to live longer.

Criteria for Longest living humans

Several factors contribute to longevity, including:

  • Genetic Factors: Gene variations and family history are very important.
  • Lifestyle and Diet: Healthy eating, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful habits are essential.
  • Access to Healthcare: Regular medical check-ups and timely treatments help maintain health.
  • Environmental Influences: Clean air, safe living conditions, and a supportive community are important.

Historical Context of Longevity

Average life expectancy has gone up a lot over the centuries because:

  • Advances in Medicine and Healthcare: Innovations in medical science have reduced mortality rates and improved health.
  • Societal Changes: Improved living standards, education, and awareness have contributed to longer lives.
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Profiles of the 8 Longest Living People in Our Century

1. Jeanne Calment

  • Early Life and Background: Born on February 21, 1875, in Arles, France.
  • Longevity Milestones: Lived to 122 years and 164 days, holding the record for the longest confirmed human lifespan.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Known for her active lifestyle, love of chocolate, and positive attitude.
  • Legacy and Records: Jeanne’s life continues to be studied for insights into extreme longevity.

2. Kane Tanaka

  • Early Life and Background: Born on January 2, 1903, in Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Longevity Milestones: Recognized as the world’s oldest living person at the age of 119.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Enjoys puzzles, fizzy drinks, and chocolate; emphasizes family connections.
  • Legacy and Records: Kane’s life exemplifies the benefits of mental stimulation and social bonds.

3. Sarah Knauss

  • Early Life and Background: Born on September 24, 1880, in Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Longevity Milestones: Lived to 119 years and 97 days, known for her calm and unhurried approach to life.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Enjoyed sewing, reading, and spending time with family.
  • Legacy and Records: Her life highlights the importance of a peaceful and content mindset.

4. Jiroemon Kimura

  • Early Life and Background: Born on April 19, 1897, in Kyotango, Japan.
  • Longevity Milestones: Lived to 116 years and 54 days, recognized as the oldest verified male.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Worked in agriculture, maintained a disciplined routine, and had a healthy diet.
  • Legacy and Records: Jiroemon’s life underscores the value of hard work and a structured lifestyle.

5. Emma Morano

  • Early Life and Background: Born on November 29, 1899, in Civiasco, Italy.
  • Longevity Milestones: Lived to 117 years and 137 days, was the last known person born in the 1800s.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Followed a simple diet, including raw eggs and limited processed foods.
  • Legacy and Records: Emma’s longevity is attributed to her straightforward diet and resilient spirit.

6. Misao Okawa

  • Early Life and Background: Born on March 5, 1898, in Osaka, Japan.
  • Longevity Milestones: Lived to 117 years and 27 days, known for her cheerful demeanor.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Ate sushi regularly, stayed active, and maintained strong family ties.
  • Legacy and Records: Misao’s life highlights the benefits of a balanced diet and positive outlook.

7. Violet Brown

  • Early Life and Background: Born on March 10, 1900, in Trelawny, Jamaica.
  • Longevity Milestones: Lived to 117 years and 189 days, known as the oldest verified Jamaican.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Worked on a sugar plantation, enjoyed yams and green bananas, and was deeply religious.
  • Legacy and Records: Violet’s life demonstrates the importance of hard work and spiritual faith.

8. Nabi Tajima

  • Early Life and Background: Born on August 4, 1900, in Kikai, Japan.
  • Longevity Milestones: Lived to 117 years and 260 days, known for her longevity and large family.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Ate traditional Japanese foods, stayed active, and valued family.
  • Legacy and Records: Nabi’s life underscores the role of traditional diets and strong family connections.
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Common Factors Among the Longest Living People

Several common factors contribute to their extraordinary longevity:

  • Diet and Nutrition: Balanced diets with natural foods.
  • Physical Activity: Regular exercise and active lifestyles.
  • Social Connections: Strong family bonds and community involvement.
  • Mental Health and Attitude: Positive outlook and mental stimulation.

Impact of Longevity on Society

The lives of centenarians have significant societal impacts:

  • Contributions to Communities: Elderly individuals often play vital roles in their communities.
  • Role in Society: They provide wisdom, experience, and continuity.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: An aging population presents challenges in healthcare but also opportunities for social and cultural enrichment.

Scientific Insights on Longevity

Research on longevity has provided valuable insights:

  • Genetic Factors: Certain genes are associated with longer lifespans.
  • Lifestyle and Longevity: Healthy habits significantly contribute to longevity.
  • Future Directions: Ongoing research aims to understand and promote longevity.

How to Promote Longevity

Adopting habits that promote longevity can lead to a longer, healthier life:

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful habits.
  • Importance of Regular Healthcare: Preventative care and timely medical interventions.
  • Social and Mental Well-being: Maintaining strong social connections and mental stimulation.
  • Environmental Factors: Living in a clean and safe environment.


The stories of the eight people who have lived the longest in our century can teach us a lot about how to live a long life. By learning about their habits and way of life, we can pick up some things that might make our own lives better. As we honor their amazing accomplishments, we are reminded of how important health, happiness, and community are for living a long and full life.

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